Samara Loki Hunter

Birthday : April 18, 2008
Father : Emmett Hunter
Mother : Penny Hunter
Eye Color : Blue
Hair Color : Blond

Profession : She is the musician/dancer known as Julianne Hough.

Her Name : Samara is an Arabic word, which means result or reward. Loki is a Scandinavian word, which means Trickster God.

Not many people believe the relationship between Samara and Sarah Hunter. Samara is the daughter of Emmett Hunter, Sarah's husband, and Penny Hunter, Sarah's daughter and Emmett's adoptive daughter. Samara was not conceived through conventional ways. It was a spell cast by Sarah's mother, Kalina Mephistopheles. The spell also made Emmett think he and Penny had done it the conventional way, resulting in him becoming very distant from his wife, Sarah. After Penny's death, Sarah officially adopted Samara as her own daughter.
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